
Jazz Musician Advice: Learn the Fundamentals of Jazz

Price: $5.00

This is the downloadable lesson from Adam’s YouTube Jazz Musician Advice: Learn the Fundamentals of Jazz


About This Item

Don’t be like 95% of most people. Don’t skip over the Fundamentals.

The building blocks are important. When you build a house, you don’t start with building the roof first, somehow suspend it in mid-air while you construct the frame and the walls, suspend all those parts, then build the foundation the house will rest on last. The foundation your house will sit on is extremely important. You build a strong foundation FIRST!

So why in music do people want to skip over foundational things and expect to “get by” without building and constantly strengthening your foundation, the fundamentals, and expect to not crumble in a musical setting? I STILL PRACTICE THE “BEGINNER STUFF” ALL THE TIME! Maybe even more than anything else. Learning and refining the fundamentals like rhythm, the notes that make up any chord, the science of improvising strong lines, learning the fretboard, exercises to learn songs and then improvise through them is the key to truly getting good at jazz.

This is a great lesson if you want to get better at playing jazz, to really learn the nuts and bolts and improve your playing with NO BS!

This is the downloadable lesson from Adam’s YouTube video Jazz Musician Advice: Learn the Fundamentals of Jazz


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